A Celebration of the Full Spectrum of Hardstyle

This event is dedicated to showcasing the entire spectrum of hardstyle. From the uplifting, euphoric melodies to the raw, pounding kicks – everything that defines hardstyle comes together in one unforgettable line-up.

Carefully curated by Sound Rush, the line-up takes you on a beautiful journey through sound. With each act, the energy will build, guiding you from the softer, melodic side to the hardest and most intense beats, elevating you to new heights.

Are you ready to embrace the journey?



Welcome to the Hemkade, a venue that holds a special place in the hearts of hardstyle lovers. Often considered the birthplace of hardstyle, this iconic location has hosted countless legendary events that shaped the genre we know today.

Recently undergoing a major overhaul, Hemkade now boasts a state-of-the-art D&B sound system, ensuring every beat, melody, and kick hits with unmatched clarity and power. With its rich history and cutting-edge upgrades, Hemkade is the perfect venue to embark on this unforgettable journey through sound.

The destination is set. Are you ready?



All info about tickets including the link to download your tickets again can be found at the website of Your Ticket Provider:

You can also mail directly about the issue or try to download your tickets via this tool:

Yes there are plenty of lockers available at the event. It's not possible to reserve them online.

The minimum age is 18+. ID required. 

The times are from 15:00 till 00:00. Doors close at 21:00

The timetable will be shared around 2 weeks before the event. But expect a beautiful buildup from soft to hard.

The doors open at 15:00 and the doors close at 21:00.

Besides the price nothing is different. All tickets gain entry to the event at the same time. 

The earlier you buy your tickets, the cheaper the price.

The event will take place at Hemkade in Zaandam, an iconic venue known as the birthplace of hardstyle. 

Click here for the Google Maps location.

You can park your car at the venue. 

Click here for the Google Maps navigation address.

The closest train station is Zaandam Central Station. From there you can get the shuttle bus to the venue. Shuttle bus tickets will be available in the presale. 

Yes there will be plenty of food options available at the event.

You can pay by card or cash to get tokens. With these tokens you can pay for food & drinks.

We do not offer refunds as stated in our terms an conditions. You are ofcourse allowed to resell your ticket via Ticketswap.

We are happy to answer your questions. Please email your question to